Please complete the below form for any facility reservation requests. Reservations will not be finalized until the Event Contact Person receives confirmation from a Pittsburg State University Alumni & Constituent Relations staff member.
Regular rental hours are Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Any rentals taking place outside of that time frame or on the weekends will count as an after hours rental and require a two-hour minimum.
Pittsburg State campus organizations can rent the facility at no cost during regular hours and at $25/hour for after hours events. Non-campus organizations will be charged $25/hour during regular hours and $50/hour for after hours events. A $75 fee will be charged to any group that does not strictly adhere to the aproved rental times.
Please indicate the entire rental time needed for the event, including set-up and clean-up (e.g., for an event from 5-7 p.m. you might request the space from 4-8 p.m.).
Number & types of tables and chairs available for use (table cloths not provided): 14 round tables (6-7 chairs per table) and 15 rectangle tables (6 chairs per table)
Audio/Visual Equipment available for use: Podium, microphone, lavalier microphone, screen, projector, and mounted TV. For any questions or technical assistance, please contact Colby Watchinkski at [email protected].
As the Organization Representative of the above stated group, I have read and agree to abide by the policies and guidelines for the use of the Wilkinson Alumni Center and pre-approve any charges to the account listed in case of damages and/or other incidentals. I also agree to pay all fees related to the facility rental.
Under our privacy policy, we do not sell personal information or use it for purposes other than the support of PSU. For questions, please call us Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST at 620-235-4758. We can also be reached at [email protected]. Thank you for supporting PSU!